Human Design Basics

Here is the quick and dirty of Human Design so that you can both see how amazing it is, but also know if you want to dig a little deeper into this topic.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a combination of Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, the I'Ching, Tree of Life, Chakra System and Quantum Physics. It was Downloaded and brought into the world via Ra Uru Hu in January 1987 and now has spread out across the globe gaining popularity due to its incredible accuracy when it comes to the blueprint of who we are.

If you want to play along you can download a free chart HERE you just require your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. If you do not know your time of birth, pick midday and it will still be fairly accurate. When I first did my own chart, I was guessing my time of birth with my mothers memory and we went for 8 am. I later found a photo of the card in my crib which said my time of birth was 1:15am but it only changed 1 gate in my design, so don't get too caught up in it to start with.

If you happen to have the Gate of Depth and absolutely need to know for sure then you can use rectification to get as close as possible by answering questions about your life and it can pinpoint within 2 hours of your time of birth. You can do that HERE

Human Design is NOT a religion or a definitive answer or belief system. It is more of a guideline or set of strategies that can help you see who you are and your unique purpose. For me personally, it has helped me feel more self-love and self-acceptance towards myself that I ever thought was possible.

What are the 5 Types in Human Design?

In Human Design, we are born under one of five types which is the overall feeling of the person and also potentially helps guide us into our purpose. They are:

  • Manifestors - They are here to manifest and to imagine. Kind of like an architect of the world

  • Generators - They are here to do the work because they have endless energy. They are like the Engineers of the World

  • Manifesting Generators - They are a combination of the two. They can both imagine the idea and then build it. They are here to find the short cuts of getting things done and report back to everyone else.

  • Projectors - These beautiful souls are here to guide us all. They are here to shine a light on what we need to see. They are like the Teachers and Thought Leaders of the World

  • Reflectors - This is only 1% of our population and they show us the health of our family, community and collective. If a reflector is sick, have a look around to see what they are reflecting in their environment.

Signature In Human Design

When starting to learn about your Human Design according to the experts, the first place to start is with your Strategy & Authority, although I prefer to start with your Signature because honestly it just makes more sense and is easier to grasp who you are and how you are meant to exist.

The Signatures are broken into two parts. How you feel when you are in Alignment, and how you will feel if you are NOT in alignment.

  • Manifestors - Peace or Anger

  • Generators - Satisfaction or Frustration

  • Manifesting Generators - Peace / Satisfaction or Anger / Frustration

  • Projectors - Success or Bitterness

  • Reflectors - Surprise or Disappointment

Do these ring true for you? As a Manifesting Generator (MG) myself, I know I feel my best when I'm satisfied with something and that tends to bring me peace. It also helps me decide what I'm going to do in my work day because I ask myself "What will bring me the most satisfaction?"

When I finished studying (well, you never really finish studying Human Design) and started offering Human Design Charts for clients, I found myself going to bed in the evening completely satisfied with how I had spent my day... like so so filled up! Then when I would wake up, I had this complete sense of Peace in my life, like everything is ok. That's when I first understood the power of knowing your signature.

Strategy & Authority In Human Design

Our Strategy and Authority in Human Design is how we best make decisions. Learning to pay attention to this is tricky though and takes time and each type can have a few different ways of making a decision depending on the rest of your Human Design.

Your Authority in your Human Design guides you on how you best make decisions and the strategy is the implementation of it.

  • Emotional Authority - make decisions quickly and change your mind slowly but not designed for spontaneous decisions

  • Sacral Authority - Only Generators and Manifesting Generators have this and it is about listening to your gut response

  • Splenic Authority - This is intuitive decision making which takes courage to listen to

  • Ego Authority - Needs alone time and must make selfish decisions based on what you need not others

  • Self Authority - Need to let yourself talk aloud without editing about your decisions and ask others to say it back to you

  • Mental Authority - You gain clarity on decisions by discussing them with others, so you can hear yourself

  • Lunar Authority - Wait 28 days or a lunar cycle before deciding so you can see all aspects

Gates In Human Design

There are many Gates that make up our Human Design and can help us clue into why and how we do things. There are 64 Gates and let me tell you... they can explain so much about a person. Here is a very quick rundown:

  • Gate 1 - Gate of Self Expression - Expressing yourself and contributing to the world through creativity

  • Gate 2 - Gate of The Receptive - Money may always be a theme in your life, both good and bad

  • Gate 3 - Gate of Ordering - Transforming the world by getting things into order from the start

  • Gate 4 - Gate of Answers - An absolute need to find the answers and be a problem solver

  • Gate 5 - Gate of Patterns - Detailed Oriented and can see patterns and rhythms between people and nature

  • Gate 6 - Gate of Friction - Creates friction / conflict when its needed for forward movement

  • Gate 7 - Gate of The Advisor - Here to support and give direction to leaders (not to be the leader)

  • Gate 8 - Gate of Contribution - A creative role-model who makes a difference just by being you

  • Gate 9 - Gate of Focus - Here to zero in on the details and create patterns from them for collective survival

  • Gate 10 - Gate of Self Love - Here to learn to surrender to and to love your authentic self

  • Gate 11 - Gate of Ideas - So many ideas you never have enough lifetimes to implement them

  • Gate 12 - Gate of Caution - Always naturally cautious about words, life, experiences and risks

  • Gate 13 - Gate of The Listener - Here to listen to others stories and share when the time is right

  • Gate 14 - Gate of Power Skills - You are here to respond to work that will bring abundance, a very auspicious gate

  • Gate 15 - Gate of Extremes - Life looks like a Roller Coaster of love and humanity and the extremes of life

  • Gate 16 - Gate of Enthusiasm - Expression through experimentation and identifying new things

  • Gate 17 - Gate of Opinions - You feel the absolute need to share your opinions, conversely others opinions weigh heavy

  • Gate 18 - Gate of Corrections - Here to see what can be corrected in a pattern, not necessarily to correct it though

  • Gate 19 - Gate of Wanting - All about the wanting of love and belonging and connection and community

  • Gate 20 - Gate of Now - Finding clarity and acting in the now, understanding the right timing for the action

  • Gate 21 - Gate of Control - Here to manage the material resources of your tribe so everyone is taken care of

  • Gate 22 - Gate of Grace - Deeply emotional but highly expressive & graceful way of sharing spirit with others

  • Gate 23 - Gate of Assimilation - The voice of change, articulating insights by splitting big concepts into smaller ones

  • Gate 24 - Gate of Rationalisation - Detective returning again and again until you can move forward

  • Gate 25 - Gate of Innocence - You have the pure expression of universal love like an innocent child

  • Gate 26 - Gate of Integrity - Here to risk everything to share the truth and sell the dream

  • Gate 27 - Gate of Caring - Here to care for your tribe and make sure it is nourished, physically and emotionally

  • Gate 28 - Gate of The Game Player - Life is a game we get to play and enjoy the challenges along the way

  • Gate 29 - Gate of Commitments - Here to persevere no matter what, at all costs through the human experience

  • Gate 30 - Gate of Feelings - Intensity and desire to create fantasies and surrender to experiences

  • Gate 31 - Gate of Influence - The voice and expression of leadership and impact, for the people, by the people

  • Gate 32 - Gate of Duration - You have the continuity needed to achieve big goals, you can go the distance

  • Gate 33 - Gate of Privacy - Here to share stories but then retreat into your cave to reflect on your latest experience in life

  • Gate 34 - Gate of Power - You have the purpose of empowering others through personal transformation

  • Gate 35 - Gate of Change - Collect new experiences and learn from them then share with the collective so they don't have to

  • Gate 36 - Gate of Crisis - Desire for constant new experiences over and over, also called The Rabbit Hole Gate

  • Gate 37 - Gate of Harmony - The mediator, designed for peace, harmony and friendship and keeping the peace

  • Gate 38 - Gate of The Fighter - Here to learn what is worth fighting for and loves a challenge

  • Gate 39 - Gate of Provocation - Feels the constant pressure to find passion in life and provoke others to do the same

  • Gate 40 - Gate of Aloneness - Here to drive community and connection and supporting others

  • Gate 41 - Gate of Imagination - The true creator and daydreamer of the world holding all possibilities

  • Gate 42 - Gate of Increase - Here to bring things to a completion, to finish cycles so we can grow

  • Gate 43 - Gate of Breakthrough - Instant insights and spontaneous knowing to empower others as well as yourself

  • Gate 44 - Gate of Alertness - Understanding the past, patterns, trends and being aware of propaganda

  • Gate 45 - Gate of The Ruler - Here to take care of your people and lead them to a wealthy environment

  • Gate 46 - Gate of Embodiment - Here to be IN your body and learn to love your body in a physical way

  • Gate 47 - Gate of Realization - You receive epiphanies out of nowhere and connect with possibilities and answers

  • Gate 48 - Gate of Depth - You don't just commit to something you HAVE to dive deep and find out EVERYTHING

  • Gate 49 - Gate of Principles - Here to uphold rules, agreements, laws, regulations in relationships in a black and white way

  • Gate 50 - Gate of Values - Share with the tribe values and rules of caring for each other both physically and emotionally

  • Gate 51 - Gate of Shock - Here to be shocking to others to initiate a lesson for them

  • Gate 52 - Gate of Stillness - About focusing your energy, concentrating and developing internal stillness

  • Gate 53 - Gate of Beginnings - Here to have many new beginnings and to help others start again

  • Gate 54 - Gate of Ambition - You have drive to achieve and will work hard till you get there, the sky is the limit

  • Gate 55 - Gate of Abundance - Here to learn and teach that abundance is an emotion not a thought

  • Gate 56 - Gate of The Storyteller - Here to teach abstract concepts through stories and metaphors

  • Gate 57 - Gate of Intuition - You know the truth in the now and are attuned to sound vibrations

  • Gate 58 - Gate of Joy - Here to experience the full expression of Joy by doing what creates joy for YOU

  • Gate 59 - Gate of Sexuality - Here to create life and provide for it through educating, birthing, and resources

  • Gate 60 - Gate of Acceptance - Here to accept the limitations, change but still keep the old tried and true ways

  • Gate 61 - Gate of Inner Truth - You want to know the unknowable, thinking is fun for you as you search for truth

  • Gate 62 - Gate of Details - Practicality, organising, attention to details and breaking things down so they can be known

  • Gate 63 - Gate of Doubt - Constant pressure to find an answer to something by doubting it in the first place

  • Gate 64 - The Gate of Confusion - You might receive massive downloads of information that you must implement

Channels In Human Design

In Human Design, a Channel is formed when you have two gates that join together. And here is the cool bit, you can form channels with other people when you are around them! When I am with my husband for example, when you combine his Human Design with mine, we form 6 Channels that I wouldn't have access to without him.

I have learned that I need to take advantage of those channel attributes whenever he and his Human Design are around. Funnily enough, right now for the first time ever we share an office. I wasn't a fan of it at first, but now that I know what channels we create together, I now know my best work can be created when he is in the office with me. Cool huh?

There are 36 Channels and they are:

  • Channel of Power - Joins Gates 34-57 - The power of now and intuitive knowing of what is going on around you

  • Channel of Charisma - Joins Gates 20-34 - The most powerful channel in Human Design and moves fast in response

  • Channel of Perfected Form - Joins Gates 10-57 - Sees something great and MUST make it better for our survival

  • Channel of Awakening - Joins Gates 10-20 - Continuously awakening to new ideas and growth of self

  • Channel of Exploration - Joins Gates 10-34 - Follow and explore your own convictions by experimenting & empowering

  • Channel of Initiation - Joins Gates 51-25 - Transforming self and others through shock and then love

  • Channel of Awareness - Joins Gates 24-61 - Inspire others through "Out of the Box" thinking

  • Channel of Structuring - Joins Gates 23-43 - Change agents of the world by speaking your truth and insights

  • Channel of Struggle - Joins Gates 38-28 - The Meaning of Life is a struggle and adventure and you love it that way

  • Channel of The Brainwave - Joins Gates 20-57 - Often the clairvoyants, mediums and empaths. Intuitive Knowing

  • Channel of Emoting - Joins Gates 39-55 - Provoke people to understand that abundance is spirit

  • Channel of Openness - Joins Gates 12-22 - Creative, emotional and individual expression for no specific outcome

  • Channel of Mutation - Joins Gates 60-3 - Change Agent of the world growing in quantum leaps

  • Channel of The Beat - Joins Gates 2-14 - A money maker designed to generate and manage resources and sustain life

  • Channel of Inspiration - Joins Gates 1-8 - Contribute to and empower the world through your unique self-expression

  • Channel of Logic - Joins Gates 4-63 - Finding logical but unique solutions for others for their growth

  • Channel of Organization - Joins Gates 17-62 - Turning possibilities into plans and helping people move forward

  • Channel of The Wavelength - Joins Gates 48-16 - Intuitively knowing how to master your talent or skills to share with others

  • Channel of Judgement - Joins Gates 18-58 - See what can be corrected and improved to move the collective towards Joy

  • Channel of Concentration - Joins Gates 9-52 - Here to focus and concentrated on the success of the collective

  • Channel of Rhythm - Joins Gates 5-15 - Here to reconnect humanity with the rhythms of nature & abundance

  • Channel of The Alpha - Joins Gates 7-31 - Here to lead the collective to a better future by supporting leaders

  • Channel of Abstraction - Joins Gates 47-64 - Here to receive downloads of unique ideas to problem solve "life"

  • Channel of Curiosity - Joins Gates 11-56 - Seeker of Truth in everything to then share with others when invited

  • Channel of Maturation - Joins Gates 53-42 - Completing cycles and experiences from start to finish

  • Channel of Discovery - Joins Gates 29-46 - Committing to new experiences and seeing where it takes you

  • Channel of The Prodigal - Joins Gates 13-33 - Share stories of human experience giving direction to others

  • Channel of Recognition - Joins Gates 30-41 - Bring fantasies and imagination into life through creation and emotions

  • Channel of Transitoriness - Joins Gates 36-35 - Expanding human experiences physically, mentally & emotionally

  • Channel of Sexuality - Joins Gates 59-6 - Bonding, creation, resources. Influential and fertile on all levels of creation

  • Channel of Preservation - Joins Gates 27-50 - Driven to nurture and care for others in all generations

  • Channel of Synthesis - Joins Gates 19-49 - Creation, connections, intimacy, touch, emotional loyalty

  • Channel of Community - Joins Gates 37-40 - Social contracts, bargains and deals to keep the community together

  • Channel of Transformation - Joins Gates 32-54 - Knowing which big ideas will be successful and the drive to do it

  • Channel of Surrender - Joins Gates 26-44 - Here to intuit ideas & sell the ideas like an entrepreneur

  • Channel of Money - Joins Gates 21-45 - Deciding how the tribes material resources should be allocated

Your Incarnation Cross in Human Design

My Incarnation Cross in my own Human Design is The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix (1) and it means that people come across my path when they are ready to transform something in their life. It might be an idea into reality, or transform their health, or their business or their belief systems. This cross also shows up in the way I transition from thing to thing in my life. I tend to "burn things to the ground" when I'm done.

I had a cake decorating business for a while, but when I got tendonitis so bad that I could not continue, I literally sold everything for $500!! The cake tins, the recipes, the tools, the sets for photography, the lot! I literally burned it to the ground so that I could move on with something new. When I learned this about myself it made so much sense as to how I have walked through my life, which makes me love myself that little bit more you know?

There are 192 Incarnation Crosses in the Human Design System and it is said to explain 70% of your Life's Purpose and is kind of like the "costume" you wear throughout life.

There are 3 kinds of Incarnation Crosses in Human Design. They are:

  • Left Angle Crosses - You have a "Transpersonal" Life Theme which means you are all about the destiny of others. Often (but not always) empaths have left angle crosses.

  • Right Angle Crosses - You have a personal vocation you are here to achieve for your own destiny

  • Juxtaposition - Fixed Life Theme - Fairly rare and means you are on a fixed life destiny. Others may come and go in your life but won't sway you from completing your destiny.

Each Cross ends in a (1) (2) (3) or (4) and tells you how your purpose is fulfilled:

  • (1) - Through the Mind

  • (2) - Through Form

  • (3) - Through Bonding

  • (4) - Through Transformation

If you go back to my own Cross - The Right Angled Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix I know this:

  • I have a personal vocation to achieve (Right Angle cross)

  • I am here to think, educate, explain and share (Through the Mind)

  • People come across my education when they need to transform something (The Sleeping Phoenix)

How cool is it knowing what you are here to do, how you are meant to do it, and who you are meant to do it for!! In fact, as I write this, 2 days into "Birthing" The List Library it occurs to me how very much true this is, even though it took me a while to get here.

Final Thoughts…

If there is one thing I would encourage you to do TODAY is look up your Human Design and get a sense of yourself like never before. It can help you in so many ways! Here are some of the things I have learned that I wish I had known sooner:

  • Our son's Human Design is a Projector so he needed absolute quiet and downtime for a few hours when he got home from school (sorry buddy) and should never have been whisked off to after-school activities.

  • My husband has the Channel of The Perfected Form in his Human Design, so spending money on an already beautiful garden to make it even better makes sense for him and he will always be driven to do so. I know now if he offers a suggestion for my work to make it better, it's not because he thinks it is bad, it's because he thinks it is already good and again is driven to help "perfect it".

  • As a Manifesting Generator I am here to try a million different things, find the quick way of doing them and then report back to the collective (You!) which is absolutely why I have started this library. I have so many experiences and information to share. MG's never stick to one thing... our whole life destiny is about pivoting to the next new thing. Human Design made me feel completely seen in this area.

  • The only gate I have in my throat centre is The Gate of Now which is why when doing YouTube videos for my other business, I cannot "pre-plan" what I'm going to say. I have to hit record and speak in the now with what I know. This is so valuable for me because before I discovered my Human Design, I thought I was being lazy by not "scripting" my videos as all the YouTube gurus say you need to do.

This is a VERY short list of what I have learned about myself from my Human Design. Feel free to tell me about your own Human Design experience below. I love hearing stories about this. Don't forget if you want to see your own free Human Design chart you can download it HERE and google the interpretation. You can thank me later!


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